38th Infantry Battalion
Pre Word War One
A Company; Rockdale.
E Company; Kogarah.
Lieutenant: Augustus Gibson FARLEIGH.(38 Senior Cadets)
Lieutenant: William LAYTON. (38th -39th Infantry) Jeweller, Lawson, N.S.W.
Lieutenant: Sydney Rodgers NICKLIN.(38 Senior Cadets)Clerk, Turramurra, N.S.W.
Lance Corporal: 7274 Henry Charles MIDDLETON(E Company) Ironmonger, Kogarah, N.S.W.
PHYSICAL EXERCISES FOR CADETS. On Wednesday night last a parade was held at Kogarah, by E COMPANY 38th BATTALION. Captain F. Smith, Brigade Major, took them through a course of physical exercises, which were carried out in a whole-hearted fashion. AREA 36A (STANMORE) DINNER. The officers and non-commissioned officers of this area held their first annual dinner on Friday, May 17. Color-Sergeant Aubrey occupied the chair, and among those present were Capt. Brosnan, Brigade Major ; Capt. Martin (Area Officer); S.S.M. Couchman, Staff Instructor; Lieuts. Williams, Mauldon, and Boss (Company Commanders) ; and. Mr. May, bandmaster. The toasts given were "The King," "Universal Training," "The Brigade Major," "The Area Officer and Staff Instructor," "The Company Officers," and "The Band." During the evening Capt. Brosnan presented S.S.M. Couchman with a pair of field glasses. Musical items were given by Lieut. Williams, Corpl. Anthon, Corpl. McLeod.
Sergt. Harris, Mr. May, and S.S.M. Couchman. CHURCH PARADE. A voluntary church parade will be held this morning of the members of Area 38A (Rockdale). The parade will fall in at the Orderly Room at 10.30. Drill order without pouches will be worn. APPOINTMENTS, REGISTRATIONS, AND TRANSFERS. — Lieutenant Claude Caville Worner, unattached list, Commonwealth Military Forces, to be lieutenant. Dated May 6, 1912. Farquhar Robert Moon, Robert Lockhart Quayle, Edward Thomas Harnett, David Edwin Murray, John Wilson Scott Fell, Jack Andrew Robertson, Ronald Everard Wilson, Leslie William Molloy, Charles William Bland, Stanley Robert Callaghan, Donald Ian Robertson Smith, Samuel Henry Pasley, Henry George "Poddy" HAYMAN Bernard Clifford Collett, George Boss, Richard Eastway, Frederick William Shepherd, Thomas Willie Tarrant, Emil Samuel Niels Olsson, Charles Frederick William Fehlberg, Frederick Arthur Elworthy, Frank Jamieson, and William Sydney Ballard, to be lieutenants (provisionally).
Dated May 6, 1912. Alan Binnie, Aubrey Reynolds, Arthur Leslie Parker, William Vere Jardine BLAKE, Walter Edwin Rees, Maurice George Lewis, George D'Arcy Folkard, Roy Doutrebande, Robert George Watkins, Frederick Thomas Murray, John Edye Duff, Ormond Gillespie Tunks, Llewellyn Cullen-Ward, William Ballantyne Simpson, Harry Russell, Sherbrooke Jamieson, Otto Franz Joseph Wolff, Eric William Stutchbury, Walter William Vick, Harold Saxton, Ernest John Thomas, Archibald McDonald, William Edward Noble, Bernard Brooks Blomfield, and Cyril Wilfred Wearne, to be 2nd lieutenants.
Dated May 6, 1912. The resignation of Major H.H. Walker of his commission is accepted. Dated May 6, 1912. Lieutenant W. W. Cavill is transferred to the Senior Cadets, with regimental seniority next after Liteutenant J. J. Murphy. Dated May 6, 1912. AREA OFFICER APPOINTED. — Captain S. P. Goodsell, of the Australian Garrison Artillery, has been temporarily appointed area officer for training area 28B (Darlington) with the rank of captain. He has been seconded from his own regiment whilst holding the appointment.
12th Inf Regt (Byron)- 13th Inf Regt -14th Inf Regt (Hunter River)- 16th I15thnf Regt (Newcastle)-17/18th Inf Regt (North Sydney)-19th Inf Regt (Kuring-Gai) -21st Inf Regt (Woollahra)-24th Inf Regt (East Sydney)-25th Inf Regt (City of Sydney, Scottish Rifles)-26th Inf Regt-29th Inf Regt (Australian Rifles)-31st Inf Regt (Leichardt)-33rd Inf Regt (Irish Rifles)-34th Inf Regt-36th Inf Regt (St Georges English Rifles)-37th Inf Regt (Illawarra)-38th Inf Regt-39th Inf Regt- 39th Fortress Garrison-41st Inf Regt (Blue Mountains)- 42nd Inf Regt (Lachlan - Macquarie)-43rd Inf Regt (Werriwa) -44th Inf Regt (Riverina)- SUS (Sydney University Scouts)
Under Construction: 10/04/2015-16/05/2020.