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The Harrower Collection
9th Infantry Brigade Aif | Online Research Library & Membership site.
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Battalion Research
33rd Battalion History
33rd Battalion Nominal Roll
34th Battalion History
34th Battalion Nominal Roll
35th Battalion History
35th Battalion Nominal Roll
36th Battalion History
36th Battalion Nominal Roll
Brigade and Battalion History
Additional Research
9th Australia Field Ambulance
Casualties of the 9th Infantry Brigade AIF.
Chaplains attached to the Brigade
Aboriginal Serviceman
Masonic Brethren in the AIF
Military Commanders
New Zealanders in the AIF
Numerical List in Collection
Special Services AIF
Sports in the AIF
War Memorials and War Cemeteries
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Pre World War 1. NSW Nominal Rolls.
13th Infantry
14th Infantry (Hunter River)
15th-16th Infantry. (Newcastle)
18th Infantry. (North Sydney)
19th Infantry. (Kuring-Gai)
20th Infantry. (Parramatta)
24th-25th INFANTRY REGIMENT (City of Sydney, Scottish Rifles)
26th Infantry.
28th Infantry
31st Infantry. (Leichardt)
33rd Infantry.
36th Infantry (St George English Rifles Regiment. 1895-1912)
39th Fortress Company Engineers. (Fort Scratchley, Newcastle)
42nd INFANTRY REGIMENT. (Lachlan – Macquarie)
43rd Infantry. (Werriwa)
Sydney University Scouts.
Commonwealth Serviceman pre World War 1
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43rd Battalion